Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Long way Gone - After the book

The Book A long way gone is a Biography by Ishmael Beah he was a boy Soldier fighting with his military to stop the rebel’s who aware trying to over throw the government. He has lost family and friends they drug him up to forget about any pain and to totally destroy anxiety, him and his friends are all in the war during these time and it’s no walk in the park. When they are taken away from the war and put in a rehabilitation center for children of war and everything is horrible because they are not drugged anymore they are freaking out and want more drugs and to go back to the war, after months with no family in site and all lost hope he finds his uncle! His uncle is so happy he found him and invites him to stay with him and his family. After that some major events happen that I’m not going to say you’re going to have to read the book and find out what happens later in the book.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Outsiders Book Movie Comparison

                                                                       The Outsiders
Some similarities in the book and the movie are the way they portrayed the characters like Johnnycake he was quiet doesn’t talk much and he is caring and his characteristics a small scrawny kid with black hair with a slight build , in some other ways they are similar is how it says how something occurred like Dallas death in the book it said he was shot and in the movie he died the same way he was shoot by the cop in the park. Also in one more way they are similar the portrayal of Johnny killing the soc in my head the way the set it in the book is the exact same way I saw it in my head with him bleeding and blood all over the concrete and Johnny laying against the fountain with Pony in the floor.

There is also differences in the in the movie from the book like when Johnny is in the hospital and his mom comes to talk to him, but in the movie Johnny refuses to let his mom see him because he is on bad terms with his parents. And in the movie they started way in the middle of the book they didn’t really start from the beginning which disappointed me because I thought it would start from the beginning. One last thing is that how Daley died I know that I said earlier I said there was a similarity and now there’s a difference because in the movie how is shot running from the cops and has one really dramatic death scene and in the book it said the cop shot him in the car and I looking forward to see how the movie would portray that.

Personally I think the actors could have done and much better job my expectations were a lot higher than what they showed In the movie. When I watched the movie I thought that I was watching a live play in some points in the movie but it was like a bad play not a good play. I wish that they would have put more effort into their character because some of the actors made the movie look style like in the scene where the church is on fire they didn’t look panicked at all which disappoints me because if I was in a fire with kids involved I would be freaking out and running everywhere. And in the fight scene some of the extras I wish that the would have looked more real in the fight instead of the fake looking fighting, that’s all I have to say about the actors and their “phenomenal” acting.